Ok, well, probably not the type of pancakes you’re thinking about. Although, I have to admit, that would be pretty good, too. No, today we’re talking about a new pancake lens. I wanted to try something a little smaller and less obtrusive for street photography and thought a pancake-style lens might fit the bill. I opted for a 25mm f2.0 manual lens from TTArtisan.
The lens arrived today and right off the bat, I love the small size and metal construction. I’m not a huge fan of the screw-on lens cover, but hopefully I’ll get used to it. I’m curious to see how it works with the UV filter when it arrives.
Since Amazon didn’t deliver until after 6pm I didn’t have a lot of time with it. I was determined to do something with it, though, so I slapped it on the X-H1 and headed out the door to pick up my chicken wing to-go order. I only snapped a few shots but it did a pretty decent job. I’ll spend some more time with it over the next few days and try to provide an update.
All shots were with the Kodak Tri-X 400 recipe. I set the camera to aperture priority and auto-ISO up to 3200. The shots ended up at ISO 1600, 2500, and 3200 respectively.

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