Not a whole lot to say today. I spent a little time pulling gear together that I think I might be hauling to Arizona and Utah in a couple of weeks. One of the things I’m really looking forward to is seeing what places like the Grand Canyon, Bryce, and Zion look like with Portra 400. That’s right, I’m stocking up on film!
Since I want my unexposed film hand searched by TSA, I don’t want anything in the camera. I knew that I had some shots left on the roll in the Nikon F3 that I needed to wrap up. I went out to the beach yesterday to do just that. Well, technically I was at the “town center”. But close enough. And I did actually walk out to the beach.
So here are a few shots from the M10 and filmicized (?) with DXO FilmPack 7.

I think they came out pretty good. I’m not sure the mural turned out quite how I’d seen it in my mind, but I definitely like the beach and pizza colors. Let me know what you think!
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