Vision is seeing what others miss.
Mar 07

The Holy Grail

Wow. Where has the time gone? Have I really not posted in over a month? I was doing so well. And even with new gear! For shame, for shame. At the end of the month, I did something I never thought I’d do. Sure, I’d drooled over videos on YouTube. I’d read reviews. I’d searched pictures on Instagram. But I’d also discounted the idea as folly. I knew I could never pull the trigger. Until I did. Behold, my Leica M10, paired with a Voigtlander 35/1.4. I really never expected to invest this much into a single body. However, the more I thought about it, I realized that I have cameras going back to my very first. Many of them I still use actively depending on the situation. Amortized over the years, the cost diminishes. Beyond that, though, was one overarching feeling. Mental health. Mental health isn’t something I talk about much or really give much thought to in general. Lately, though, my job has been (perhaps literally) killing me. I’ve never felt the stress I feel in this job in my 30 years of post-military life. Hell, back it up. I never felt this much stress boarding foreign vessels […]


Today seems as though it should be special. Though, it doesn’t really “feel” special. It’s been kind of an ordinary day if I’m to be honest. But let’s set that aside for a moment. The date is 12/31/23…123123. The last time this happened was 1923. The next will be 2123. Every 100 years. So not likely something I’ll see again in my lifetime. What does it mean. Well, I have no idea other than it’s cool. I’m not a numerologist. Perhaps it’s the year that monkeys will fly out of my butt. Only time will tell. Since I didn’t really have full year’s worth of images to sort through (at least not where I was really focused on my craft), it was a bit of a struggle to identify the top 5 that spoke to me the most. I don’t necessarily know that I can quantify my choices. They are what they are. Hopefully they’ll say something to you as well. I’m not posting an any particular order. I’ll let you decide. I decided to check out the old Farmer’s Almanac to see what it had to say about this unique and rare date.

The Keys to Planning

Ok, so this post’s title is a little play on words. You see, I’m planning all of my photography stuff ahead of the first vacation of the year. I’m really looking forward to leaving work behind for a bit and heading to Key Largo. With any luck, there will be some good exploring of the many Florida Keys between Largo and Key West. I’ve spent the past couple of weeks trying out a variety of recipes for the Fujifilm X-H1 and I think I finalized the list tonight: – Fujica Half– Florida Summer– Kodachrome 60s– Zero Hour– Bad Ink– Kodak Ektar 100– Default Florida Summer is my own recipe. I’ll be posting about it soon once I finalize it. Still tweaking it a little. Default is a standard Provia recipe with no tweak when I want a “clean” look. The gallery shows the five main recipes in order. I don’t have any with Kodachrome 60s yet, but it’s included as it’s part of the latest challenge for the Fuji Recipes Facebook group. I think it should give me a good mix of subdued vintage, beachy colors that pop, gorgeous night scenes, black and white, and nostalgic looks.