New beginnings. Resolutions. Fresh starts. January 1st is different things to different people, but we can probably all agree that it provides a time for reflection as we start a new year. What went right over the past twelve months? What adjustments do we need to make? Are we on the right track to meet our goals, whatever they may be?
For me, today marked two points: first, that time to reflect on last year’s photographic growth (hopefully) and second, the last day of my vacation. I dread the idea of having to actually set an alarm for the morning. To help clear my mind, I headed back out to look for fresh, new photo opportunities. Today’s target, the beach.

There was a lot going on today. I decided to skip the pier initially because of the line to get in. I headed down the boardwalk in search of new things. I thought I’d see if I could find any interesting reflections with the sand dunes and people walking around. Some people wanted to be part of the action instead of just a reflection. 🙂

The annual Deck The Chairs event just wrapped up so I thought I’d take a swing through the area. There were some pretty cool displays, though I didn’t take many pics. It did seem that there were more than previous years.

After getting a nice latte from Cup of Job, a local coffee spot which employs residents of the Rescue Mission, I headed back to the pier. I definitely had a vision as I strolled down the wooden-planked walkway. I had high hopes that a lucky fisherman had scored a great catch and I could capture some action shots as it was filleted. Alas, it wasn’t to be. The folks I spoke with said it had been a slow day. At least for fishing. The pier itself was packed with tourists. I still managed to pull off a few shots that I liked.

From a photography perspective, it was definitely a more target rich environment than usual. Unfortunately, I also missed a shot I really should’ve gotten. A lone skateboarder was sitting on the boardwalk and I knew I’d have it nailed. As I nonchalantly strolled past, I brought my Leica M4 up to my face, looked through the viewfinder, and…nothing. It helps if you advance the film. I kicked myself as I walked past. At least I had another subject present itself.

Before heading out, I decided to head to the beach once more. Perhaps some surfers would wrap up their session and I’d get a nice shot of them heading off the sand. There were only a half dozen in the water, so I guess I set my expectations a little too high. One last shot of the pier and I was done with the chill. I’d lost my favorite beanie cap somewhere along the walk and the wind was brisk. It was time to call it a day and head home. The first photowalk of 2025 was in the books!

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