Vision is seeing what others miss.


New beginnings. Resolutions. Fresh starts. January 1st is different things to different people, but we can probably all agree that it provides a time for reflection as we start a new year. What went right over the past twelve months? What adjustments do we need to make? Are we on the right track to meet our goals, whatever they may be? For me, today marked two points: first, that time to reflect on last year’s photographic growth (hopefully) and second, the last day of my vacation. I dread the idea of having to actually set an alarm for the morning. To help clear my mind, I headed back out to look for fresh, new photo opportunities. Today’s target, the beach. There was a lot going on today. I decided to skip the pier initially because of the line to get in. I headed down the boardwalk in search of new things. I thought I’d see if I could find any interesting reflections with the sand dunes and people walking around. Some people wanted to be part of the action instead of just a reflection. 🙂 The annual Deck The Chairs event just wrapped up so I thought I’d take a […]

Surf’s Up

Black Friday. What do you do when you don’t care about binge shopping? Well, it seems that a number of people headed to the beach. It turns out that the washing machine from earlier in the week had turned into a nice, clean swell. I didn’t spend more than maybe 30 minutes out today, but it felt like a good session. Taking pictures, not surfing. 🙂 I’ve really been on the black & white bent lately. I’m shooting the same film in the Yashica 35GX as the film simulation I’m shooting in the Fujifilm…Ilford HP5 Plus 400. I can’t wait to develop the film and see how the two compare in real life. Anyway, here’re the results of the days’ shooting. I kinda dig these quick trips. Not a lot of work afterwards.