Another day is upon us. The deck is wet so it must’ve rained overnight but I slept right through it. It’s brought in a deeper chill and the temperature is in the low 40s. It’s damp and the air is heavy. The mist can be felt and the cloud ceiling is low. Today is September 11. 9/11. Spent a little time in the solitude thinking back to that day so many years ago.
Breakfast appeared in the form of eggs, sausage, and English muffins. It was small but hearty and set the stage for the rest of the day. The drone of a float plane could be heard in the distance. The noise grew louder as the bright yellow Cessna crested the tree tops and settled down on lake. The pontoons cut through the chop as the young pilot pointed its nose to the dock. The arrival of more ice, minnows, and food supplies was welcome. The pilot also got our water heater working. We’re all looking forward to a hot shower after several days.
Morning turned into afternoon and the weather still looks iffy at best. The mist eventually morphed into a steady rain and it looks like this will be a cabin day. The wind is blowing much more than you want to deal with on the water. Longjohns would keep the chill away until you get them wet and things soon turn miserable. Cabin day it is.

The only logical choice was to throw some logs into the wood stove. The fire is going nicely and the heat is starting to radiate through the cabin. It’s slowly reaching toasty stage and I’m looking forward to enjoying its warmth. I’ve already enjoyed a nice cup of hot chocolate with a couple of large marshmallows. I should’ve waited for the stove to be lit. Or maybe I’ll just have another.
I did manage to get some nice pictures today. The wet vegetation made for some nice opportunities and I tried my hand at some macro photography. It’s a little hard to find interesting subjects since we’re not hiking trails and venturing out a whole lot around the cabin like we normally would while backpacking.

6pm. It’s been a lazy day. A few of the guys decided to brave the cold and tried tossing a line off the shore and dock. It didn’t go so well. Gary came back saying he couldn’t feel his fingers. Jerry only lasted a few minutes. Edward made a couple of casts and called it. Joey and I ended up taking naps.
The rain came in again so we got a lot of reading in. It actually felt kind of nice to enjoy the cabin and the warmth of the wood stove. As day turned to night, we fired up the grill and the oven. Dinner was awesome for being in the backwoods. Ribeye steak, baked potatoes, and salad. After some great conversations and bad jokes, we played a few rounds of poker using pepper packets for money and then it was off to bed.

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