Vision is seeing what others miss.
Sep 13

Mercutio – Day 6

The cabin was cold again this morning. I was sure I had the stove going fine when we turned it, but the wood barely looked charred. I woke up in the middle of the night to put my longjohns back on. Looking out the windows was interesting. The lake was gone. We were completely socked in by fog. It made for a pretty cool morning, though. It took several hours to burn off. The water (what we could see) was like glass.

I love black and white photography and felt that the fog really lent itself to it. I loaded up my B&W film recipe and went to town. I think you open up a new world when you take the color away.

The fog did eventually burn off and it turned out to be a gorgeous day. It was our last day at the lake before flying back to civilization and we were all itching to get on the water. The chill burned off as well and we didn’t have to bundle up too much. The lake was looking particularly lovely on this day and the colors were alive.

We pretty much stayed together on this last day. Unfortunately, the fish seemed to have gotten wise to us. Our normally hot spots were cold. Painted Rock, where we limited out in thirty minutes before, barely offered any bumps. Exploring the supposed bass hot spots, we caught more rocks than fish. We headed farther back than ever before and even this new area yielded very little. We did manage to catch dinner, but it was a far cry from tossing fish back because we had too many. Despite that, it was still a wonderful day on the water. We decided to head back early, though, to account for the extra distance we’d travel and knowing that we all had to pack for our flight out in the morning.

So ends the “action” part of our trip. Almost time to get back to the real world. Before we do that, though, I’ll leave you with a few more B&W shots.

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