I’ve been itching to try my hand at some night photography and I finally got off my rear and headed out. The downside is that I don’t live in a major metropolis. Sure, we have a lot of people, but they’re spread out over an insanely large landscape. And to be fair, we’re just a really big town. There isn’t a lot of after-hours downtown or night life. Things start closing up around 10 or 11 even on a Saturday night.
Due to the early closing of most places, you’ll only see a couple of examples here. I really struggled to find anything of interest that shoot. So here goes nothing. I used the following recipes for this night challenge:
– Zero Hour
– Serr’s 500T
This is the part where art and reality part ways for me. Both recipes are based on the Classic Chrome film simulation. I think that Serr’s 500T is providing a much more accurate rending of the colors my eyes say. However, Zero Hour provides a more pleasing look. I find that Serr’s is too cool at 3200K. Zero Hour is set to 4000K and I think that the warmer look is more eye-friendly, but it also creates more contrast. Serr’s comes off as too flat to me.
I’m sure there are situations where Serr’s would come out on top. I’m not ready to discount it after a single challenge. Hopefully I’ll find more opportunities to put these to the test again under different conditions.
What do you think? Let me know below.
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