Vision is seeing what others miss.

The Last Photowalk

Well, here we are. It’s time for the last photowalk of the year. 2024 is coming to and end. I struggled as usual to decide where to go and finally ended up at my regular stomping ground, downtown. I didn’t stay too long. I knew I had to get home in time to make dinner with friends so I put $4 on the parking meter to cover me for a couple of hours and set out. I really wanted to make this a fresh experience. I don’t want to just shoot the same things until everyone, myself included, is sick of seeing them. You have to really stretch and look for new things. Maybe it’s an alley you’ve never stumbled upon. Maybe it’s the glow of a neon sign you’ve ignored every other time you’ve walked by. One thing that I always seem drawn to is shapes and patterns. I love shadows and leaving it to the viewer to decide what cast it. I definitely found myself in new places just by wandering a few extra blocks. I suppose it’s true, there’s a lot to see around us if we only open our eyes. It doesn’t have to be serious, […]